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Topic 5: Protein Purification Techniques

Isolation and analysis methods, chromatography, electrophoresis.

Types and Descriptions of Column Chromatography

Click to show Types and Descriptions of Column Chromatography example problem

Match each of the following types of column chromatography with their corresponding descriptions.
Note: Each choice will be used exactly once.

Your Choice Prompt
Drop Your Choice Here 1. ion exchange column (IEX) 
Drop Your Choice Here 2. gel filtration column (GFC) 
Drop Your Choice Here 3. reverse phase column (RPC) 
Drop Your Choice Here 4. affinity column (AC) 

Drag one of the choices below:

  • A - separate by charge, particle binding is controlled by pH of the solvent mobile phase 
  • B - separates molecules by differences in size as they pass through a porous particles in a column 
  • C - hydrophobic-based separations for protein characterization 
  • D - a specific ligand is attached to the particle resin in the column 

Cell Disruption Techniques Identification

Click to show Cell Disruption Techniques Identification example problem

Which one of the following cell disruption techniques correspond to the description 'Cells are pulverized through a combination of extreme cold.'.


Types of Column Chromatography

Click to show Types of Column Chromatography example problem

Which one of the following types of column chromatography correspond to the description 'for one type, gradients of increasing organic solvent concentration are used to affect separations'.


Identification of Macromolecules in Gel Electrophoresis Processes

Click to show Identification of Macromolecules in Gel Electrophoresis Processes example problem

Which one of the following types of macromolecules correspond to the gel component or process 'sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)'.


Determining Net Charge of Proteins at Given pH

Click to show Determining Net Charge of Proteins at Given pH example problem


Isoelectric Point Problem
Protein Name isoelectric point (pI) molecular weight
Succinate Ligase (SL) 6.6 20.9

The protein in the table (above) is placed in a buffer solution with a pH of 8.0.
What is the correct net charge on the SL protein at pH of 8.0


Protein Migration Direction Based on Isoelectric Point

Click to show Protein Migration Direction Based on Isoelectric Point example problem


Isoelectric Point Problem

A mixture of two proteins are to be separated by isoelectric focusing.

Point (pI)
Sucrase (Suc) 6.5 51.0
Leghemoglobin (Leg) 4.7 16.0

Both protein samples are placed into a gel with a constant pH of 7.5. The gel is then placed into an electric field.
In which direction will each protein in the table migrate at pH 7.5?


Estimating Protein Molecular Weight from SDS-PAGE Migration

Click to show Estimating Protein Molecular Weight from SDS-PAGE Migration example problem


Gel Migration Problem

In this task, data from an SDS-PAGE experiment, where proteins are separated based on molecular weight, is provided. The gel results table below shows some standard proteins with known molecular weights and one unknown protein.

Protein Name Molecular
Weight (kDa)
Distance (cm)
Cytochrome c (Cyt) 13.0 3.45
Myoglobin (Myo) 18.0 3.19
Succinate Ligase (SL) 20.9 3.07
Elastase II (Ela) 26.5 2.88
Pepsin (Pep) 34.5 2.67
Aldolase (Aldo) 47.5 2.41
DNA Ligase (Lig) 60.0 2.22
Unknown ? 2.99

Estimate the molecular weight of the unknown protein by comparing its gel migration distance with those of the standards.